Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bittersweet Revelry

The start of a new year always ushers in a flurry of excitement that is marked by new (or old) goals). It's a period of reflection, fresh starts and a reason for new challenges. There's the usual goal to hit the gym to get fit for Spring, the occasional surprise of new found love and the rekindling of friendships, but there's also the unexpected.
With every beginning and birth there is an end and passing ... Last week I experienced a roller coaster of emotions, and am still processing the loss of my dear family friend, someone I consider an aunt, who lost her battle with cancer. I literally found out the news while at a company holiday party. While in the midst of that celebration, another was beginning a mourning.
The shock is obvious. This is a person I've known for almost all of my 30-something years. She has been present in nearly ever stage of my life, encouraging me like my mother, supporting me like a friend ... So, why would I ever imagine her not here with me as I begin my journey into my 30s?
This sudden passing drives home that reoccurring theme, which isn't intended to be cliche, but no day is promised to any of us. And, we should live our best lives right now. Please, don't sit back hoping for change, make it happen.
Life isn't meant to be easy and it isn't meant to be stagnant, it's meant to be a journey. Life is to live. It's something we have to breath into and make special. Don't just do, Be. 
While my Aunt Betty's journey on Earth has come to an abrupt end, I believe she was the most genuine person I knew. So real, so grounded, so caring. I can see her face and I can hear her voice. She was always present, and that's how I hope to Be: present; taking it all in. Absorbing the realities of life, but not dwelling on it and making beautiful memories along the way. <3
My sister, Ayo, Aunt Betty and Me. I will miss you <3


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your entry is inspiring "Dont just do, BE". Words I inspire to live by.

  2. thanks Glad :) we are all here to Be someone special. Many times, we don't even realize how we touch others.

  3. Sorry for your loss, Mary. This is such a great post - true words to live by. Looking forward to more of your posts.

  4. So sorry for your loss. Great read and motivating words. Hope all else is well in your world.
